MEW makes it easy for you to send and receive ETH and ERC20 tokens directly on your mobile device. All you need is the MEW wallet app and some ETH for gas.
Some things to keep in mind before sending:
Transaction fees are associated with every transaction on Ethereum and they’re not determined by MEW.
To see the most current transaction fees, click on the gas icon located in the top right-hand corner of the screen.
All transactions are final so please make sure to double-check EVERYTHING before sending it.
Transaction fees are still required, even if the transaction fails.
See the ‘My Transaction Failed. Why was I charged?’ article for more information about that.
Don't have a wallet? Don't LOVE your wallet? Creating a new wallet with MEW is easy.
Need help? Use this Enkrypt guide
To Send your Crypto:
Open the MEW wallet app and enter your PIN or use biometric access to unlock your wallet.
Forgot PIN? Check out the ‘Forgot PIN (MEW wallet)’ article for further guidance.
Click on the account that you want to send crypto from then click the up ‘sending’ arrow.
Enter or paste the wallet address for the receiver’s wallet address, then click continue.
You can also click the camera icon to scan the QR code of the recipient's address.
Choose the crypto you want to send and the amount you’re sending.
Choose your transaction speed from the available options.
If you don't have enough ETH to send a transaction, check out the ‘Buy and Sell Crypto on MEW wallet Android’ for help.
Review and verify your transaction by checking the boxes. When you're done, click ‘Confirm and Send’
Congrats! You’ve successfully sent your crypto. Your transaction will appear in ‘Recent transactions’ under your account card. You can also pull the transaction up on ethVM to double-check.
Receiving ETH or ERC20 tokens on MEW wallet Android:
If someone is sending ETH or ERC20 tokens to your wallet, the sender should ONLY need the address for your wallet in order to complete the transaction.
Please note: NEVER provide your Recovery information (Private key, Recovery phrase, etc) for anyone! If someone is saying that they need that information in order to send crypto to your wallet, it’s most likely a scam.
To Receive your Crypto:
Open the MEW wallet app.
Click on the account card that you want to receive funds to then click the down ‘receiving’ arrow. (You don't need any ETH in your wallet to receive transactions, only to send transactions).
The public address should then appear along with the QR code. From here, you have a few options:
Click the ‘Share’ option, which allows you to send your public wallet address to someone via text, email, save to your files, etc.
Click the ‘Copy’ option which copies your wallet address to your clipboard. You can then directly paste it wherever you intend to.
If the sender is near you, you can have the sender scan your QR code.
Congrats! You’re all done. Once the transaction is completed, you should be able to see it in your ‘Recent transactions’ on the app. You can also double-check a block explorer like ethVM to make sure it went through.
If you experience issues, don’t hesitate to contact us at
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mewwalletandroid, send, receive