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Swap your crypto using MEW wallet iOS

Steps for swapping your ETH and ERC20 tokens using MEW wallet iOS.

Katya Michaels avatar
Written by Katya Michaels
Updated over 2 months ago

Swap your ETH or ERC20 tokens by using the Swap feature, available directly on your MEW wallet app.

We’ve partnered with multiple decentralized providers including 1inch, Paraswap, and 0x, allowing users to swap their ETH and tokens without leaving the app.

For MEW wallet on Android, see Swap your crypto using MEW wallet Android.

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Swap your crypto on MEW wallet iOS:

To access the swap feature, make sure that you’ve already logged into the app.

Step 1. Open the MEW wallet app.

Step 2. Click the Swap button found on the bottom of the screen. It looks like a double-arrow.

Step 3. Click on 'Swap tokens'.

Step 4. Select the crypto you’d like to swap by clicking on the dropdown – ETH is selected by default. Your balance is displayed next to the dropdown for your convenience. Click on 'Max' to swap your entire balance of the chosen token (minus transaction fees). Tо switch the account you are swapping from, use the account dropdown in the upper right corner.

Step 5. Click ‘Select token’ to find the token you want to receive after the swap.

Step 6. Enter the amount you want to swap in the upper field. When you're done, click 'Preview swap'. (In this example, we're swapping ETH for USDC.)

Step 7. MEW wallet works with multiple DEX aggregators to find you the best rate for your swap. Review the Best offer summary to make sure you are ok with how many tokens you are receiving and the swap fees. Click on 'Other offers' to see other available exchange rates.

Step 8. Choose your transaction fee from the available options. Faster transactions require higher fees, but the recommended transaction speed is usually sufficient unless your swap is very urgent.

  • Make sure you have a sufficient amount of ETH for the swap. Click on 'More about network fees' to see how much ETH you might need.

  • For more information about Transaction fees on Ethereum, see ‘What is Gas’.

Step 9. If everything looks good, click 'Proceed with swap' and use your pin or FaceID to confirm.

Step 10. You can view the status of your swap in 'Recent transactions' on the main Wallet tab, in Transactions after you click on the corresponding account, and in the Swap History view (accessed by tapping on the clock face on the upper right in the Swap tab). Click on a transaction entry to see the Transaction Details screen, from where you can go to 'View in block explorer' for more transaction information and the tx hash.

Once your swap is completed, your account balance will update automatically. For full details of all the assets you hold, click on the colorful account card from the Wallet tab.

Congrats! You've just completed a successful swap!

Not seeing your token available for swap?

Our swap providers support thousands of tokens directly on the MEW wallet app, but if you’re not seeing the token you want to swap, or if it is based on another blockchain, then you may need to use an external exchange that supports the swap.

If you have issues with your swap, please reach out to the relevant exchange’s support team and our own, at

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